獣宿し【餓狼】iii 912620
獣宿し餓狼Ⅱ Wolf's Maw II 1500pts 00pts SP A fearsome animalistic attack where you deal two hits in one swing 獣宿し餓狼Ⅲ Wolf's Maw III 1670pts 24pts SP狩技獣宿し餓狼 Ⅲ スキル見切り3, 連撃の心得, 業物, 会心撃属性, 超会心 猫飯ネコの研磨術, ネコの射撃術May 31, 17 · 獣宿し餓狼Ⅱ Tier II allows you to channel this rage for a longer period of time than Tier I Hunt a Deviljho Wolf's Maw III 獣宿し餓狼Ⅲ Tier III allows you to channel this rage for a longer period of time than Tier II Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "憤怒の雄叫び" Redhelm Offline 紅兜オフライン ブシドー双剣で特殊許可g5紅兜ソロ 獣宿し【餓狼】iii